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Our cold water anemone predominated tank

Here we (Karen and Nadya Sanamyan) present our cold water anemone predominated tank.
We keep it at our home. This is a very stable and successive system.
At least 10 species of sea anemones, large and small.
Many species of sea stars, including species which feed only on certain objects (like sponges).
Countless sea urchins. Sponges, crustaceans, polychaetes, mollusks, etc., etc., etc. Many specimens live in this tank for many years.
Water temperature in this tank is maintained at about 3 to 8 Celsius degree.




Red specimen of Cnidopus japonicus

Large Urticina grebelnyi, other sea anemones, sea stars...

Some fishes



Some sea stars, some of them live in our aquarium for many years



Copyright © 2004 - 2023 K. & N. Sanamyan. The photos from this site may not be used without written permission of their authors.